Mori no yo-shyokuyasan Nemu no ki (森の洋食屋さん ねむの木)

Mori no yo-shokuyasan Nemu no ki” (森の洋食屋さん ねむの木) is a restaurant named after a tree.

This restaurant located near Hikimi Onsen, look for 匹見温泉やすらぎの湯 on sign boards.

In the past, this restaurant was a high school. It’s a wooden building so you can feel nostalgic.

There is a wide variety of dishes on the menu, and you can eat the local area’s traditional food  such as “Uzumemeshi”, or meat and vegetables covered over with rice, and a local river fish called “yamame”. You can also order beer and wine with snacks. The food is made of locally grown ingredients.

This time I had fried shrimp.The portion sizes are huge. And most of the plates and bowls are made of wood; it has warmth. It’s a nice place for a reasonable meal after a hot spring or hiking.


Address :〒698-1211


TEL: 0856-56-0353 (Japanese only)

Holiday: Monday

Opening Time: Lunch 11:00~14:00

Dinner 17:00~20:00


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