Iwami Seaside Park

Iwami Seaside Park (石見海浜公園) is one of the best places in Shimane. The main part of this park is a long sea coast (5.5km long). It extends from Hamada to Gotsu. The park has beautiful landscapes and it changes from season to season.

You can enjoy many activities here. In summer, many people go to the beach. Not only from Shimane, but also from Hiroshima or Tottori. People can play marine sports (banana-boat, surfing, snorkeling, and so on) here. Life guards are on duty at peak times. So, you can enjoy the time at ease especially if you are with children. This club holds a ‘kids program’ to learn enjoyable things at the sea in summer season. In this program, children can join some activities (banana-boat, snorkeling, nipper board, beach flags etc.). It will be a valuable experience for children. In summer, the park holds a beach volleyball competition and a life saving competition at the beach.

In the park, an instructor teaches Nordic walking. (It’s about once a month. If you want to get about this info, you have to ask the center, but the info is Japanese only.).

This area has an aquarium, named AQUAS. This aquarium is very famous for its white beluga. In Japan,  only four aquariums, Chiba, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Shimane have white beluga. The white beluga is famous for its bubble ringshow. AQUAS has many events each month.

In this park, there are three camping areas. One of these is free to use, and one has log cabins to stay. Additionally, any other tools for camping can be rented from the center. You can ask detail to the center (0855-28-2231 in Japanese).

Iwami seaside park office

Tel: 0855-28-2231 (8:30~17:30) Japanese only

 Iwami seaside park 

Written by  Natsuki

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